Growing Up!

One of Dr. Allen’s favorite Perks of being an orthodontist is being able to watch everyone grow up. “In most cases, I meet my patients for their initial consultation when they are pretty young. It’s such a joy watching them grow into outstanding adults,” said Dr. Allen.

Even our adult patients sometimes become “enlightened” through their orthodontic care with Dr. Allen. But then again, who couldn’t with the amount of fun we have?! Fortunately, Dr. Allen’s hair still seems to grow up… apparently he thinks that he is as “with it” as Bruno Mars!

I see the resemblance! Anyway, congratulations to Joseph and Benjamin Setzer on their college acceptance! Joseph will be attending the University of South Carolina, Goooo Gamecocks! And Benjamin will be attending the University of North Carolina (Dr. Allen’s alma mater of 8 years), Tarrrr Heeeels! Best of luck in all of your future endeavors!
