Why Do My Teeth Hurt When it Rains?

Have you ever felt a storm coming on? It’s almost like a mysterious hand pressing up against your skull. Sometimes you feel the pain all the way down to your teeth.

Don’t worry, you’re not experiencing dark forces at work. There’s actually a simple scientific explanation.

Molecules in the air are constantly in motion creating what we call air pressure. These changes in air pressure alter your body’s oxygen levels.

Normally, your body will regulate those levels and alleviate pressure on the hollow bones of your face by releasing oxygen stored in your sinus cavities.

The problem arises from nasal passages being blocked due to sudden shifts in barometric pressure. The trapped oxygen has nowhere to go. This causes the pain above the eyes, nose and jaw, often referred to as a “pressure headache.”

Since the purpose of the sinus cavities is to keep the head “light,” the feeling of having them clogged is often described as having a heavy head. This leads to increased fatigue, facial pain and sometimes migraine headaches.

Tooth pain is a common effect of a persistent sinus infection. Sometimes teeth actually extend up into the sinus cavity making them more susceptible to this type of pain. It may feel like a toothache from a cavity, but will typically come on suddenly and may remain as a dull throbbing pain in the upper teeth.

Orthodontic movement of teeth can also instigate tooth pain during stormy weather. Your teeth aren’t used to their new positions yet, so you may feel the pressure a bit more than usual.

Even though this is a very common dilemma, don’t ever take tooth pain lightly. See your dentist for a definitive diagnosis of the source of pain.
