The Aching Head and Runny Nose Season is Here!

Does your head hurt and your nose run when the weather is wet and stormy? Well Marc Allen Orthodontics will help explain why this happens!

Revisiting a high school Chemistry lesson, the total pressure exerted from the atoms and molecules in constant motion in the air creates air pressure. Changes in air pressure, measured by a barometer, alter the body’s oxygen levels. The body attempts to regulate those levels by releasing oxygen stored in your sinus cavities to alleviate pressure on the hollow bones of the face. But blockage in the nasal passages due to sudden shifts in barometric pressure and the trapped oxygen has nowhere to creating that blinding pain above the eyes, nose, and jaw that is referred to as a “pressure headache.”

Sudden drops in barometric pressure will result in the swelling in the lining of your nasal passages. This results in what’s best known as a “sinus headache.” Since the purpose of the sinus cavities is to keep the head “light,” the feeling of having them clogged is often described as having a heavy head. This leads to increased fatigue and may lead to migraine headaches.

Tooth pain is a common effect of a persistent sinus infection. The tooth pain may feel like a toothache from a cavity, but will typically come on suddenly and may remain as a dull throbbing pain in the upper teeth.

Now, you know the scientific reasons why your sinuses cause you trouble. Visit your Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor, Dr. Allen, or your dentist to learn about the best ways to treat your symptoms.
